Hey everyone
My copy of calling *eventually* came today
- Spoiler:
As I said I would I will give a quick review since people were wanting me to tell them if it was worth a buy.
First off I would just like to say that this game is a true J-horror and eveyrthing you would want in a J-horror
I got to say I am only at the start of the second chapter but the first chapter made me S**t myself
I havn't been this nervous and jumpy from a game since the early RE games and Fatal frame.
The game kind of like Fatal Frame but is also a first person role playing game as well.
The storyline is pretty decent and the game throws you right in at the deep end in the first chapter
This gives you a sense of panic.
The atmosphere is really disturbing and there also tends to be a blackout in the levels and this is were the flash light partnered
up with the motion sense control come into play.
I also like that the ingame mobile rings through the wiiMote and you listen to the ghost's, just like you would on a real mobile,
that will send chils up your spine.
Anyway the game is very jumpy and is a pretty satisfying game to play especially if your a survival horror fan or J-horror fan
Here is my rating's of different aspects in the game.
Graphics - 6/10
Storyline - 7/10 (it bit to much similar to the ring )
game mechanics - 8/10 (you might need to turn the sensitivity down on your sensor bar because its pretty sensitive lol )
Atmosphere - 9/10 (very disturburbing, Suggest you play in a dark room for effect and with a gaming headset)
Overall score - 8/10
Would be a better game if it was on Xbox connect or PS Move (if second one then definatlly )
But overall its a good wii title and gets you digging out and dusting off your long forgoting wii lol
In my opinion pretty scary game and worth the buy, You can pick it up on amazon for about £14 (UK pounds)
so it is not too dear and I promise you will all enjoy it